Best climate in the world

There are two monsoons a year.
The Yala monsoon brings abundant rainfall to the country’s western and southern regions from May to September; the area experiences its dry season during December through March. Altogether, the southwest receives around 4000mm of rainfall each year. The Maha monsoon affects northern and eastern Sri Lanka weather and often lasts from October to January.
The guide books would tell you that Sri Lanka climate consists of distinct wet and dry seasons.
But living here all year around I see very little difference between the seasons. Obviously during the wet season it rains a bit, but the rains are only short showers which are normally over in a few minutes. If I am asked which month to avoid travelling to Sri Lanka I would say probably say: April is a difficult month, could be the hottest (like this year) and because of Sri Lankan New Year the service could be patchy as people are taking holidays. Second part of May and beginning of June are slightly wetter. The rest in my experience are equally glorious.
I run every morning and if it rains heavily I have an excuse not to.
Well…, in a year I sat out twice!
This is my typical morning run.
If I go really early, around 6 am, I would run into glorious pink sunrise
The sand on our beach is very fine and I like running on the very edge of the ocean where the it is firm as its easier.
At the end of my beach there is 5* hotel called “Fortress” where I stop, have a swim in its longest (!) swimming pool in South Coast and do some yoga on their wooden deck. The breeze and the views are pretty perfect for that!
And I am good for a day ahead!